Tell us how covid-19 has affected your small business by filling in our survey

Tell us how covid-19 has affected your small business by filling in our survey

We’ve teamed up with the UK Domain to bring you a survey on how small businesses have been feeling about their situation throughout coronavirus.

So, over to you. We would love to hear your thoughts – please take a few minutes to complete the survey below.

How coronavirus has affected small businesses so far

Coronavirus has had a damaging effect across the globe, changing the way that we live.

Small businesses have taken a real hit from the pandemic, threatened with legal action, facing enormous debts and being at risk of closure.

Fortunately, the government and private companies have grants, loans and extra support for struggling business owners.

If you’re not familiar with them already, you can learn more about them below:

Microbusiness £50,000 Bounce Back Loans – how they work

Where to find your small business coronavirus grant

How do I apply for a Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan?

Self-employed Income Support Scheme what it means for you

Salesforce and Enterprise Nation launch £5,000 grant for small businesses

Research that we carried out earlier in the year showed that 53 per cent of our readers had their CBILS applications rejected, even after Rishi Sunak had loosened the scheme.

>See also: Most emergency coronavirus bank loan applications still being rejected

Now that lockdown has started to ease and we’ve seen outdoor markets and car showrooms open up, with non-essential outlets opening up on 15 June. Bars, hotels, restaurants and cafes will likely be resuming from early July as long as they comply with social distancing measures. Even with some customers reluctant to return, it’s seems as if we’re looking at a better period ahead for small business owners.

In the meantime, are you interested in improving your web-based presence? Read more in our Getting Online hub or by visiting the UK Domain’s website.

Read more

What coronavirus small business help is available for free?

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